I haven't done a lot of logos. I know a guy who is way better at them than I am, and he's got reasonable rates (I got him to do the cottages logo). Plus, now days most people think they can get designers to compete for $99 and pick the best and pay only one person. Ridiculous!

Anyway, here's some of the logos I've developed that I like. But in 1997 - 2000, I designed hundreds of logos for businesses because I worked on a contract building websites for BellSouth's Yellow Pages customers.

IX Group

IX Group came to me for a website and asked me to create a logo for them as well. I knew that in order to design a logo a group of guys could all agree on would take a lot of ideas and rounds of revisions. Here, you can see how I started and where I ended up.

Mindwhirl Logo

There have been several iterations of this logo over the years. It went from the just a simple whirl shape, to the whirl in a circle, but when Kroger changed their logo to have a glass bevel around their logo, it looked too close to ours and I didn't want to associate with Kroger, so I changed it to a square and left some dimension while removing the glass overlay look of its predecessor.

Michael Z Miller Logo

Speaking of personal logos. You know the logo I made for this site, my personal portfolio, isn't all that bad. I took a little JavaScript code, 2 colors and violá!